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"A church for the sake of others."


A Big Answer to Our Big Why


We are a church of ordinary people. We struggle, and we sin. Nevertheless, the promises of Jesus Christ, which he accomplished by raising from the dead, overcame all of these. No one is perfect, especially us. And the truth is we all deserve eternal conscious punishment for the evil we have all done against others, ourselves, and God. But the goodness of God isn't only that he offers us salvation that begins after we die. Nor a forgiveness we must earn and measure up to. Jesus fully accomplished the forgiveness of sins by giving his perfect and righteous life upon a Roman cross. His resurrection from the tomb three days later proves he can and does forgive sins while keeping his promises. 

But the good news gets even better. Jesus told us, "This is eternal life, knowing the one true God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent" (John 17:3).  Right now, he offers eternal life as something we can begin enjoying by placing our assurance in life and in death, in his finished and complete work at the cross. The offer God gives us is fellowship with Him, which is not marked by condemnation nor a constant striving to earn our own righteousness but peace in knowing God as a good Father who delights in loving His children. The answer to our BIG WHY, the reason for us to be a church, is so that others will know God and rejoice with us in God’s love: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We desire to deepen people's knowledge of the truth in the joy of fellowship with God and the assurance of resurrection life with Christ our Lord and his church. Eternal life is knowing God. And it begins today.  


"We endeavor to cultivate others' joy in the truth of Jesus Christ, to love God, love neighbors, and multiply His praises among all people." 

Core Values
"Speak the Truth. Love like Jesus." 


 Scripture calls us as the people of the church to become conformed to the image of Jesus Christ by walking with him and keeping the gaze of our inner hearts fixed upon Him (Rom. 8:29; 2 Cor. 3:18). Our core value is Christlikeness, because, well, that’s Christianity’s core value. We value becoming more and more like Jesus, and we are transformed by his pure love for us. We will never reach perfection but seek to honor God with our lives moving in the direction of Christlikeness with the following two core values:

Speak the Truth. We believe in the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to save and transform lives. In all we do, we want to hear from God through the pages of Holy Scripture. We desire to be a people who speak God’s truth with the balance of wisdom, patience, and courage to speak the truth with all. Sin is real, and there are real and eternal consequences. Yet, God’s forgiveness is real, and there is real assurance of resurrection life in Jesus. But speaking the truth is not all we are after. The truth must be balanced with love.

Love Like JesusLove is a great feeling, but it is even better in action. The danger of speaking the truth is that it sometimes comes off cold and just downright mean. Real truth is really accompanied by real love. Though God only ever tells the truth, Jesus showed us how he did so in love. Jesus loved generously, humbly, and sacrificially, even giving up his life for the eternal good of others. Jesus did more than talk about doing good because of God’s love; he actually did good in love. We seek to do the same. We seek to love even those we disagree with and those who disagree with us. We seek to love by being fair—except we want to go beyond being fair: we desire to grow in the pursuit of loving purely with generosity and mercy.

What We Believe

We are members of the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA). Please visit the links below for more information about our doctrinal convictions. 


EFCA Statement of Faith.


Where We Stand in the EFCA: Denials and Affirmations


Creekside Church Napa,  1050 Hagen Road, Napa, CA 94558  |  Email us at:  |  Tel: 707.255.7266

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